we got to go up into the mountains to this little village that has a pretty popular little festival every weekend, with food and music and little booths where people sell their wares.. little threaded bracelets, assorted nuts, foam alligator toys, mariachi singers.. it was pretty sweet, we had a lot of fun.. and then we went a little further up into the mountains to a little coffee plantation, where we had a little dessert and mochaccino.. layo and luchy are trying to show us their country and welcome us with appreciation and true salvadorian hospitality.. and we are soaking it up, it has been wonderful..
it was difficult seeing poverty so close at hand, to really be immersed in it.. throngs of street dogs with skin sores and sunken rib cages, old women with no teeth, little children peddling beans and tomatoes for their parents profits.. and all flocking to our team because we are perceived as being incredibly wealthy.. it was deeply moving, and i spent a lot of my time in that town just quietly observing and contemplating.. my thoughts kept centering on two things really:
first, that i am so blessed.. for whatever reason, i was born in a land of justice and opportunity and freedom, where i have never faced corruption or starvation or true poverty.. i have to think that i have been so blessed because the Lord wants me to use the incredible blessings He has bestowed upon me to serve those who are hurting around the world.. we are so well taken care of in america.. praise God for that, and may we all be more willing to give out of that incredible blessing to reach out to those who genuinely need..
second, that these are the people i have a heart for.. Jesus' heart broke for the impoverished and the hungry and the sick and the blind and the hurting and the burdened.. a quick breeze through any of the four gospels can tell you that.. and He has begun to develop that same heart in me as well.. i ache for them, and with them.. as much as my privileged mind can understand what their daily lives are like.. i want to see these people come to know the wonderful love of Christ that fills empty hearts.. but i know that i can share the Gospel with these people all year and see a handful, maybe even a churchful of people come to Christ.. but in order to truly care for these people, to care for the people after them, we must also work hard at reaching the leaders with the love of Christ, so they can in turn pour it out lavishly upon the people they are supposed to be serving.. the crimes will continue to spiral out of control, the poverty will continue to permeate their society, children will continue to go to bed hungry, unless the people who have the power to change these things are moved to action.. and that is why the Lord has called me here!
well i tried to keep it short.. looks like i kinda failed.. but i hope it was an encouragement to you, and i hope it moves you to action.. whatever that may be.. but of any action you choose to take, please continue to pray for our ministry here, for the people of el salvador to be touched with the Gospel, for the children and mothers who i can picture in my head even now who so desperately need what Jesus Christ has to offer..
love you all
here are some pictures from our mountain adventure..
i set up a photo gallery at http://gallery.me.com/trevor.miller, and ill try and keep it updated with lots of cool pictures!