Saturday, January 10, 2009

sad day!

well, i guess not that sad when you put it in proper perspective.. there are a lot of things in the world that cause more sadness than what happened to me today..

my laptop charger is taking a vacation.. well, i guess you could say it retired.. the little charger light on it faded about a month ago and i didnt think anything of it.. then today, sitting at viva espresso, with ambitious plans of getting my blog completely up to date.. it quit on me.. no warning, just a 'hey, guess what? im outta here..' and he was gone..

so now, with about twenty minutes of battery power remaining, i am forced to postpone my blog updates yet again, faithful readers.. i will be visiting the apple store in the next couple days, and hopefully getting a replacement for my deadbeat charger, and then i will be back in business! if they are unable to simply give me a replacement, then i will have to wait for one to be shipped to my dad, and then shipped to me.. i am really hoping to get everything up to date before our costa rican vacation!

love you all, pray for success at the apple store!


Madison Miller said...

oh no! i can send you mine and i can go buy a new one if you can't get it at the store trevie. let me knowww, whatever works best for you, mkay? i love youuu :)

Unknown said...

aw dude, thats a bummer! hope it works out quickly for you

Traveller said...

Isn't this about the billionth charger on your team that died? I'm sorry for your loss. Make Brenna loan you her laptop to write the blog. We love to hear about the great things you and your awesome team are doing. Marsh